Nelson Mandela once said, “Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”. Good education and good schools are a great combination to shape the destiny of the nation by moulding students into effective and responsible citizens.

The Quality Education School Bahrain has been the realization of a dream project for me and my late brother Mr. Sunderdas Kewalram, Founded in 2003 with the continued support and strong leadership from school’s Board of Directors Mr.Bhagwan, Mr Narinder and Mr.Prakash.
We are proud to have created a Nurturing school that offers the highest standards of affordable International Holistic Education Encompassing Academics, Co-curricular Activities, Sports education and life-skills built on a joyful cohesive school environment for the next generation of young learners within the kingdom of Bahrain.
The time has flown by so fast I haven’t even realised where the years went since our humble beginnings from 2003, As I look back it is always heartening to see our school children, bustling with self confidence, motivation and passion, ever-ready to take up the challenges ahead of them.
Today I am glad that at this age, I am able to sit back and see the new generations of students and teachers working hard at our school. I look forward to the future envisioning the school’s name continuing to shine with The Students Always Being the Representatives of Our School Values and Morals.
To our beloved school parents we thank you for entrusting us with the duty of guiding your treasured children in their educational journey, and will always stay true to our promise of nurturing your children with a lifelong love of learning.
School Chairman