At the Quality Education School Bahrain, we understand the power of positive education. Our purpose as educators is to enable quality learning every day in every experience and to inspire in our students a desire for learning for life.
As a school, we are dedicated to developing students who are confident in their culture, empowering them to achieve academic excellence through the nurturing of moral values: integrity, responsibility, respect, and courage. Our students lead by example with a commitment to community action and philanthropy. Each student is encouraged to have a strong ethical drive and to positively change the world around them. They have passion and a keen sense of the world they want to live in and how they should improve it.

Dr Ravi Warrier - School Principal
PHD- Mathematics Education | MSC- Mathematics | MA – English
Quality Education School began its journey in 2003 with a handful od students in a set of 6 villas at Kanoo garden Manama. It has grown to strength of 700 spreading its wings to K-12 with Cambridge curriculum. Facilities provided at various stages enhanced the academic standards and hence QES is catching up to be one among the ‘sought after’ schools in Bahrain. I can visualize QES with double capacity and the strategic but sequential growth of the school to be spotted among the best schools in Bahrain. As you reach the new campus sooner students personal and academic growth would find no boundaries. Our aim is to provide facilities to develop and grow with 21st century skills to race against time.
I am proud to be a leader of QES, heading and guiding a set of true professional staff who always step forward to raise the standard of QES with their selfless and dedicated teamwork. With my more than 5 decades of experiences in the field of education I am able to guide my team to raise QES at par with any good schools of high standard. My journey of 50 years from a primary teacher to principal has taught me various aspects of developing excellent standard to QES and thus providing best educational experience to students and parents.
Out staff are trained to design an excellent educational atmosphere in QES that inspires every student. My 5 decades of educational experience in various schools as teacher, coordinator, Head teacher, Vice principal and principal helps me to guide staff, students and parents to frame and implement a smooth and progressive system in school target being a golden feather to QES’ progress. Our students have various fields and are now spearheading crucial projects in many institutions & offices all over the world. They owe this credit to their alma matter QES.
Patience, respect, ability to understand the minds, moods and petty jokes of these youngsters, friendly but firm at times, approach all these were key factors of my 12 years journey in this school. Learning and implementing good practices of many educational institutions is my motto. This was possible with my constant interaction with eminent educators.

Ms. Geetha Mukkatira - Vice Principal
“Education is the passport , for tomorrow belongs to those that prepare for it today”, Malcom X.
Destiny is not a matter of chance, it’s a matter of Choice, it is not a thing to be waited for, it is a thing to be achieved. As Vice principal of this school, I am proud to head an Institutions where we develop young minds to have a strong and vibrant personality. We embed our students with Self-regard, Self-reliant, Self-confident, Self-resolution and Self-dignity.
The aim of education should be to teach us how to think rather than what to think. At Quality Education School this is instilled at a very young age with EYFS curriculum. School provides the highest Quality of education in a safe secured nurturing environment with the aim is to develop our students into progressive thinkers and lifelong bearer of skills, values that will prepare them to face the challenges in todays’ dynamic world.
We also firmly believe in creating an atmosphere for collaborative learning where in our students grow with experiences from the Industry, their surroundings, their families, their peers and through deep bonds of friendship.
With our well researched curriculum – CAIE and Edexcel, Modern teaching methodologies and wide range of extracurricular activities, community engagement we assure that our students engage in a captivating learning experience every single day .
Schools’ achievements are being recognized by the community through social Platforms and the awards received from Ministry of Higher Education. The number of graduates from QES guarantees the Parents of the Quality of education that will be rendered. Our caring teachers and staff devote themselves to every student and support their needs being their guardian, counsellor, mentor and a facilitator.
QES provides ample scope for the development of an all-around personality of an individual. School days shape one’s career and will have a lasting impression on one’s life. We firmly believe John Holt saying children grow not just in size, not even in knowledge , but in curiosity, courage, independence, resourcefulness, resilience, patience , competence and understanding .
On behalf of the entire Management, staff and team at Quality Education, Kingdom of Bahrain, we welcome you and thank you for choosing us to shape the future of your child.

Ms. Poornima Elvin
Kindergarten Head Teacher
Working with kids means constant activity, interruptions, and lots of color! As the Kindergarten Head teacher of QES, my sole vision is to Inspire creativity, Cultivate Academic growth and to Nurture a diverse community.
Leadership is about collaboration and inspiring others to do their best work. Balancing numerous activities with my school life, family, and social life for over 15years has provided me with a lot of experience with prioritization and has made me very efficient.
“To motivate the late bloomers; to mold the mediocre and to challenge the gifted” is the teaching notion in QES.
Fostering my team to provide the best teaching and learning experiences in the academic, social, emotional, moral and physical growth of each kid and celebrating all achievements in a safe, caring and creative environment is my main goal as a head teacher. I believe a happy child will be a successful child and we work to ensure every child enjoys school and achieves success.
Moreover, not only do we teach them but also learn from them because children show us their infinite imagination, impetuous admiration for the simple things that surround them, and an insatiable thirst for knowledge and new experiences.
Most parents today are faced with the decision of what type of childcare will best prepare their children for school. Due to the diverse environments, students enter kindergarten at multiple levels of academic, social, and emotional readiness, creating an achievement gap for some at the start of their schooling journey.
However, the committed and supportive management, dedicated teachers, caring and cooperative parents’ blends harmoniously in QES to create this school as a child-centric school.
“Success comes to those who work hard and stays with those who don’t take rest on the laurels of the past.” Breakout the crayons, open the books! Put on your school clothes and your bright happy looks! Jog in to QES and fly to your future with flaming colours.

Mrs. Deena John
Middle School Head Teacher
I Deena John have always been a strong advocate of the idea of education for all.
A graduate in Physics with over 11 years of teaching experience in Kingdom of Bahrain worked in QES past 7 years . Taking a role of a teacher and now enforcing my duties to best of my capacity as a head teacher. I have always strived to ensure that every child in QES is taught the values and responsibilities of life along with academics. I have always believed that education is not just confined to books. but it should extend far beyond, ensuring that every child imbibes the values and traditions of the multi-faceted society that we live in.
Being a part of QES has always been a very enriching experience both professionally and personally. The values that this institution inculcates in every individual be it a student, faculty or a staff is highly inspirational. I make sure parents are an integral part of the child’s learning process. When parents join hands with school , we can carve and shape an individual, who will spread the message of traditions, modernity and knowledge, to the society as valuable citizens that he or she lives in.
Critical thinking skills must be honed in every student, as it will prepare them to face all challenges and develop a competitive spirit in today’s world. With growing digital era , I emphasize the education to QES students with 21st Century skills.

Ms. Neethu Ann Charles
High School Head Teacher
My name is Neethu Ann and am thrilled to enter my 9th year in working with QES family. I began my teaching career teaching biology to senior students which continued in QES and then expanded my role to Head Teacher for Grades 7-12. It has been a beautiful experience facilitating students and learning from them as well. I feel proud and have immense gratitude in being part of the school academic team.
Being raised in Bahrain with values, commitments and respect I, as a headteacher, try to embed these in the QES students so that they become valuable citizens. I have a postgraduate degree in Bioinformatics and received a post graduate degree in Education after my daughter was born which helps me to inspire students to pursue education continuously and to keep learning new skills despite any constraints.
I believe education is the creation of a complete individual, a Global Citizen. QES students inculcate various learning experiences along with attaining the skills needed for living in this competitive and ever-changing society. This is the reason I emphasize on the importance of good manners, respect to elders and other cultures and following a code of conduct based on the situation. The principles we follow are proved from the success stories we have with the students who have graduated from QES over the years
There are a lot of challenges that teenagers have to face and overcome. I feel it is important to listen to the students and find solutions for the problems that they face in a logical way. At an age where they hold their friends above everything, we are here to let them know that their teachers are here for them to stand with them and to guide them.
QES is more like an extended family where we strive to bring out the best in the students. The will, and spirit of the QES team will make the school reach heights.